6 Habits That Harm Your Teeth (And How to Break Them): Constant Snacking
The habit: Grazing all day, especially on sugary foods and drinks, puts you at a higher risk for cavities. When you eat, cavity-causing bacteria feast leftover food, producing an acid that attacks the outer shell of your teeth.
The solution: Eat balanced meals to feel fuller, longer. If you need a snack, make sure it’s low in fat and sugar. If you indulge in the occasional sugary treat, follow it with a big glass of water to wash away leftover food.
To read the entire article please visit MouthHealthy.org
Drs. Leaman, Setnicar & Piacsek, S.C.
James Leaman DDS, Joseph Setnicar DDS, Stacie Piacsek DDS
820 Summit Avenue
Oconomowoc, WI 53066